Interview Day is structured and tailored to your needs.
Interview Day is customized for companies based on their hiring needs and includes a consultation using LaunchSource insights on hiring and market dynamics. It’s ideal for companies looking to hire for 3 or more early-career sales roles in one go.
The most efficient and unbiased way to acquire the best-fit talent for early-career sales positions
Our research is based on close to a million candidates and the widest network of companies like yours
Finding talent is time-consuming and can beccome costly with recruiter fees or bad hires. We source and quality candidates, making interviewing more efficient.
We vet candidates based on a process designed by sales leaders. Our candidates come from various background and experiences with transferrable skills.
With research based on a million candidates and the widest network of tech companies, we help you and the hiring managers align to win the right talent for your team.
We’ve helped hundreds of global companies
Case studies from some of our amazing customers who are building faster.
A recruiter's biggest pain in sourcing SDRs is it requires a lot of time and tons of interviewing to find the best talent. LaunchSource makes it easy since all the candidates were already vetted. It saved me hours which in turn allowed me to focus on other areas of the business.
As a small company with Iimited resources, LaunchSource provides valuable expertise in market knowledge and effective sales interviewing. Their interview enablement solution enables you to quickly assess candidates who are well-suited to your organization, allowing you to make hires based on your current needs.
With LaunchSource's Interview Enablement Solution, you get to see 8-12 candidates in one afternoon. This is especially helpful when you're on such a compressed timeline. I cant imagine any employer wouldn't want to go through that experience. That is hugely valuable.
Join the network of
500+ startups to pre-IPO companies that have trusted LaunchSource
Add a dependable source of the most qualified and diverse candidates to your recruitment toolbox and hire faster for early-career roles.