Hire candidates that understand the role and ready to work now

Create a better hiring experience and reduce your time to hire
Sales leaders across the US and Canada love LaunchSource's interview enablement solution, proven to reduce time to hire by up to 75%.
Company - Specific Vetting
Looking for candidates vetted for your company and some extra help with the interview process? No problem. Our Interview Enablement Solution has been used by 200+ companies and with over 1.000 hires made, has been repeatedly tested and proven to reduce time to hire.
A recruiter's biggest pain in sourcing SDRs is it requires a lot of time and tons of interviewing to find the best talent. LaunchSource makes it easy since all the candidates were already vetted. It saved me hours which in turn allowed me to focus on other areas of the business.
As a small company with Iimited resources, LaunchSource provides valuable expertise in market knowledge and effective sales interviewing. Their interview enablement solution enables you to quickly assess candidates who are well-suited to your organization, allowing you to make hires based on your current needs.
With LaunchSource's Interview Enablement Solution, you get to see 8-12 candidates in one afternoon. This is especially helpful when you're on such a compressed timeline. I cant imagine any employer wouldn't want to go through that experience. That is hugely valuable.

Your next hire
is at your fingertips
Hundreds of companies have leveraged LaunchSource, now we’re giving you the opportunity to access and hire vetted sales talent.